What You Need To Know When Replacing Your Roof With Tile Roofing
Replacing the roof on your home is often an excellent time to consider upgrading or changing the material to tile roofing. Spanish tile roofing is very popular in some areas of the country. It offers strength and durability and will also provide a southwestern-style look and feel to the outside of the home.
Tile Roofing
When replacing the roof on your home, changing the material may also require changes to the roof structure. Spanish tile roofing is a good option for homes in the Southwest where the sun can bake asphalt and destroy the roofing quickly.
However, tile roofing is much heavier than asphalt shingles, so if you are upgrading, it is essential to have a roofing contractor check the roof structure to ensure it can handle the weight of the tile roofing material. If not, the roof structure will also need some updates and additional support to hold the tiles securely without damaging the home.
The weight difference between Spanish tile roofing and other materials can be significant. The style of the roofing material, the thickness of the tiles, and the installation can also impact the final weight of the roof. Your roofing contractor can go over the numbers with you, and if you are concerned that there is insufficient support, you can have an engineer or architect look at your current roof structure and determine if it is strong enough.
Fire Resistance
In parts of the country that regularly deal with wildfires, Spanish tile roofing can help reduce the likelihood of hot embers from a nearby fire dropping on the roof of the house and starting a fire. The tiles insulate the wood structure from heat and embers, and most roof tile is rated to withstand specific amounts of heat and open flame.
As long as the surface is intact, it is difficult for any spark to get under the tiles. However, if you have a tile that cracks or breaks, it is critical to have a roofing contractor replace it to maintain the fire rating and the protection for your home in place.
Weather And Durability
In the Southwest, storms are less common than in other parts of the country. However, when a significant storm does come through your area, Spanish tile roofing offers the durability to withstand high winds, hail, and rain better than asphalt or other traditional materials.
The roofing material is critical to ensure it is effective, but working with a tile roofing contractor will help guarantee that your tile roof stands up to the weather. The life span of tile is also twice that of the standard roofing materials used, but the installation cost may reflect that, so do your research and talk to several roofers before you decide if Spanish tile roofing is best for your home.
Contact a local roofer to learn more about Spanish tile roofing.